Grab your Super Stoked Super Size Band and one heavy dumbbell and get ready to rock some serious unilateral movement with a strong focus on the inner thighs, glutes (and hamstrings) You will need to anchor your band from a low anchor point - think the leg of bench, couch OR heavy dumbbell that will stay put as you squat, pull and squeeze your way to strong adductors (inner thighs). Seventeen minutes of creative lower body work that will leave you feeling strong and connected. Want more? Stack on “Inner Thighs” located in the Fine Tuning Category…BOOM - SUPER DUPER STOKED!
Up Next in 10-15 Minute Quick Burners
(4x3) Quad Crusher & Cardio
Grab one heavy dumbbell and your Stoked Step and get ready for quad-focused work that will build strength, endurance, and tone (make no mistake, you’ll be tapping into your glutes and hamstrings as well). The Stoked Method style layered progression of this 4X3 will get your heart pumping while ev...
Stoked Sandbell Strength Sizzle
Grab your Stoked Sandbell and get ready for a quick, fiery full body strength snack (with a side of sneaky cardio) that covers all the bases - squat, lunge, pull, push and slam your way to an energized fully STOKED physique. This workout is great as a finisher for a #stokedstack or as a stand alo...