Stoked Arms & Abs Challenge 2.0

Stoked Arms & Abs Challenge 2.0

22 Seasons

Welcome to the next level Stoked Arms & Abs Challenge 2.0! This 21-day challenge builds on the foundation of the original program by incorporating different equipment to intensify both your strength and endurance gains. In this version, you’ll find even more diverse movements, using tools like the Stoked Sandbell, and Super Size Stoked Bands to amplify the burn in your upper body and core.

For your upper body, expect a balance of heavy strength days and endurance-focused toning sessions to sculpt and define. As always, each workout includes core work - sometimes “sneaky” sometimes very obvious😀. Programming is designed to target every aspect of your core. From time-under-tension ab exercises to transverse abdominis stability focused moves, your core will experience a comprehensive challenge. 

You’ve been armed with everything you need to stay consistent and build strength and  definition.  GET STOKED to push play and slay (and TRI it before you BI it of course)! 

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Stoked Arms & Abs Challenge 2.0
  • Butt & Biceps *Band* (Strength + Light Cardio)

    Episode 1

    Grab your Super Stoked band and dumbbells and get ready to hit your glutes and biceps hardcore. This non-stop Stoked style workout will leave feeling strong in all the right places.


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  • Super Size Stoked Band Ab Attack

    Episode 2

    Grab your Super Size Stoked Band AND your Stoked Band - that’s right it’s a double banded workout - and get ready to launch an all out attack on your abs. It’s a five alarm sizzler especially when we hit the Super Size Stoked Band Supine Sprawl (say the 6 times fast). Push play and slay!

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