Stoked Body, Bands & Ball — Bodyweight Only

Stoked Body, Bands & Ball — Bodyweight Only

7 Seasons

The Stoked Body, Bands & Ball Programs are designed for your no-excuse days. Whether you’re on the road for work, taking a staycation, or happen to be in a place where you’re lean on equipment, these programs are for you. Choose from Bodyweight Only, Bodyweight & Bands or Bodyweight, Bands & Ball.

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Stoked Body, Bands & Ball — Bodyweight Only
  • Ab Assault (Strength)

    Episode 1

    Hit your abs hard core with this non-stop bodyweight do-anywhere core workout.

  • Ab Ladder 2 *Oblique Focused* (Bodyweight Strength)

    Episode 2

    A descending ladder of bicycle crunches and cross body mountain climbers. Both moves challenge your abs in different ways (time under tension and dynamic ab work) for another superset style ladder

  • Stretch

    Episode 3

    8 minutes of mobility and flexibility that will leave you feeling renewed