Grab a set of heavy (for you) dumbbells and your Stoked Step, and get ready to challenge your entire body with this strength focused workout comprised of four exercises performed three times through.
Be prepared to push (chest press), pull (row), hinge (deadlift) and STEP UP (pun intended) your strength gains with focused foundational exercises.
Stoked Step:
Up Next in New Workouts
Slider Abs (Sneaky Arms)
Grab your Stoked Sliders (Kira Kushion optional for happy knees/elbows) and get ready for a challenging Ab blast that combines deep core slider work, a side of sneaky shoulders/arms, and bodyweight time under tension ab work. This core crushing workout serves up the perfect Ab-tactic snack.
Low Back Love 2.0 - Flow & Go
Find relief and freedom in this flow for your lower back. Through gentle control movement, we hope to help alleviate tension and stiffness - a great option after travel or when you’ve been sitting for extended periods of time. This flow & go sequence works wonders on its own, OR stacked after th...