Stoked Up 21-2.0

Stoked Up 21-2.0

21 Seasons

Stoked Up 21 - 2.0 is designed to further your commitment to yourself and your body while remaining consistent and dedicated to your workouts.

This 21-day guide is not only another curated program to follow, but a template to refer back to when creating your own Stoked Stacks throughout your fitness journey. Think of this, and all of the programs offered on the app, as “Stoked Study Guides” to help you build, create and progress your workouts.

Get ready to STOKE to fire within and embrace challenge...which sparks change!

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Stoked Up 21-2.0
  • Stoked Shred 360 Express 7.0 *bands + weights* (Strength + Cardio)

    Episode 1

    Grab your Stoked Bands and dumbbells (one heavy & one medium-weight dumbbell) and get ready to challenge your entire body with this express version of your full body fire favorite (Stoked Shred 360 series). Each highly curated black of strength, cardio, and core work will challenge you to the max...

  • Full Body FIRE Ladder (Bodyweight Strength + Cardio)

    Episode 2

    A descending ladder of squats, burpees and mountain climbers...oh my! Get ready for a rush of endorphins as you STOKE THE FIRE WITHIN with this fast and furious full body assault.

  • Push-up Ladder (Body Weight Strength)

    Episode 3

    Push-up Ladder (bodyweight strength) - a descending ladder of push-ups and forearm planks. Sounds simple but remember - you are still contracting many of the same muscles when you plank as you use when performing push-ups so this takes on bit of a superset style ladder.