Stoked Up 23

Stoked Up 23

23 Seasons

Stoked Up 23 is a 23-day program consisting of curated workouts (aka Stoked Stacks), designed to help you stay consistent with your workouts while properly challenging you in a progressive manner.

Commit to yourself by starting the year in a place of good health - you deserve to put YOU first for a dedicated amount of mood-boosting, energy-enhancing, strength-building, endurance-yielding, results-driven time each day.

23 days of #thestokedmethod work that will inspire long-lasting mind muscle connection and an ever evolving understanding and affinity for the KSFITAPP's "Stoked Stack" mix and match style. Get ready to ignite your fire and embrace the work with a smile.

The opportunity we have each day to move and challenge our bodies is truly a gift.

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Stoked Up 23
  • Stoked Shred 360 Express 6.0 *bands + weights* (Strength + Cardio)

    Episode 1

    Grab your Stoked Bands and dumbbells and get ready to challenge your entire body with this express version of your full body favorite (Stoked Shred 360 1-3.0). Each highly curated block of strength, cardio and core work will challenge you to the max in a smart, progressive, results driven manner....

  • Full Body Ladder (Bodyweight Strength)

    Episode 2

    A descending ladder of squats, push-ups, sit-ups and bridges hitting all the major muscle groups leaving you FULLY STOKED from head to toe.

  • BLOCKbuster Bridge Party

    Episode 3

    Grab your Stoked Block for a fun quick fix that focuses on your glutes but will no doubt have your hamstrings and inner thighs feeling the love as well. This workout works wonderfully to prep your body for action, as a finisher for another workout on the app, or as a #stokedsnack any time of day ...

  • Full Body

    Episode 4

    This Full Body Mobility Routine can be done in the morning, before or after your workout in order to temporarily increase range of motion, improve circulation, and decrease tension throughout your body!

    What To Expect:
    8 each on side, then move on to next movement
    Inch Worms
    World’s G...