Jump your way to a lean physique with this high intensity cardio workout which includes intervals of jumping rope and calisthenics guaranteed to leave you STOKED and fully endorphinated.
Shop Stoked Jump Rope:
Up Next in Day 6
Butt & Biceps *Band* (Strength + Ligh...
Grab your Super Stoked band and dumbbells and get ready to hit your glutes and biceps hardcore. This non-stop Stoked style workout will leave feeling strong in all the right places.
Shop Stoked Bands:
https://shop.kirastokes.com/collections/frontpage/products/resistance-bands -
Triceps (Endurance Strength)
Fine Tune the all important Triceps....they're the muscle group that gives your arm shape!
Triceps Ladder (Bodyweight Strength)
A descending ladder of triceps dips and extended arm plank/knee taps. Your triceps make up 2/3 of your upper arm so it’s important to give them targeted attention. Remember, you’re still working your shoulders and triceps when in a plank so again, this is a superset style ladder.