Super Duper Stoked in 7 (Advanced)

Super Duper Stoked in 7 (Advanced)

7 Seasons

Built for the seasoned Stoked APPelete who’s looking to kick it into high gear, ready to take on a SUPER DUPER challenging week!

*The workouts listed each day are to be done in order as a Stoked Stack on that day.

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Super Duper Stoked in 7 (Advanced)
  • Jump & Burn 2.0 (Cardio)

    Episode 1

    Jump your way to a lean physique with this high intensity cardio workout which includes intervals of jumping rope and calisthenics guaranteed to leave you STOKED and fully endorphinated.


    Shop Stoked Jump Rope:

  • Arms & Abs 3.0 (Strength)

    Episode 2

    Although you’ll experience a strong focus on arms and abs, you’ll truly hit your entire upper body and core with this non-stop strength workout (there may even be a little sneaky cardio on tap). On your mark...set...STOKED!

  • Triceps Ladder (Bodyweight Strength)

    Episode 3

    A descending ladder of triceps dips and extended arm plank/knee taps. Your triceps make up 2/3 of your upper arm so it’s important to give them targeted attention. Remember, you’re still working your shoulders and triceps when in a plank so again, this is a superset style ladder.

  • Ab Blast 3 *Weighted* (Endurance Strength)

    Episode 4

    Grab a dumbbell and crush your abs Stoked Style