Gym Time 5-Day Intro Template

Gym Time 5-Day Intro Template

5 Seasons

We've created a simple, 5-day sample Gym Time intro template. This basic plan will allow you to hone in on specific muscle groups each day. Get your feet wet with Gym Time using the intro plan and stay tuned for more curated programs coming soon!

*In true #stokedstyle, feel free to add on fine-tuning from the “Stoked In Studio” Category that targets the focus muscle group(s) of the day*

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Gym Time 5-Day Intro Template
  • Full Body - Dynamic Core Warm-Up (B)

    Episode 1

    Focus: Full Body Warm-Up - Dynamic Core
    Equipment: Medicine Ball or Light/Medium Dumbbell

    1. Choppers - 12-15 reps
    2. Rotational Sweep - 10-12 reps ES
    3. Low to High Rotational Chop - 10-12 reps ES
    4. Squat/Chest Press - 8-10 reps with 3 sec hold

    Perform entire circuit 3 times

  • Shoulders & Core (A)

    Episode 2

    Focus: Shoulders & Core
    Equipment: one set of medium/heavy dumbbells

    1. Shoulder Press - 12 reps
    2. Plank Taps - 10 reps ES
    3. Crouching Tiger Push-Ups - 5-6 reps

    Perform entire circuit 3 times

  • Shoulders (Medial Delts) & Core (B)

    Episode 3

    Focus: Shoulders (medial delts) & Core
    Equipment: one set of medium dumbbells

    1. Lateral Raises - 12 reps
    2. Quadruped Up/Downs - 6-8 reps ES alternating
    3. Plank to Down Dog Taps - 6-8 reps ES alternating

    Perform entire circuit 3 times

  • Shoulders (Anterior Delts) & Core (C)

    Episode 4

    Focus: Shoulders (anterior delts) & Core
    Equipment: one set of medium dumbbells

    1. Front Raises - 12 reps
    2. Down Dog Triceps Extension to Triceps Push-up - 6-8 reps
    3. Tabletop Resistance w/ Dead Bug - 6 reps per side

    Perform entire circuit 3 times

  • Abs/Core (A)

    Episode 5

    Focus: Abs /Core (A)
    Equipment: Physio Ball

    1. Physio Ball Sit-Ups - 15 full reps, 10 pulses, 5 full reps
    2. Physio Ball Roll-Outs w/ circles - 6-8 reps drawing circles EW
    3. Physio Ball Table Top Crunches - 10 full reps, 10 pulses
    4. Physio Ball Passes - 10 reps EW
    5. Physio Ball Dead Bu...