Stoked in 7 — 2.0 (Beginner)
7 Seasons
Designed for the Stoked App-letes who completed the Stoked in 7 program and who are looking to take it up a notch. Choose your Stoked skill level and continue on the Stoked in 7 journey.
*The workouts listed each day are to be done in order as a Stoked Stack on that day.
Stoked Shred 360 Express (Strength + Cardio)
Episode 1
Challenge your entire body with the express version of your full body favorite Stoked Shred 360. Each highly curated block of strength, cardio, and core work will challenge you to the max in a smart, progressive, results driven manner.
06:05Episode 2
Upper Body (Endurance Strength)
Episode 2
Get ready to feel the burn in your shoulders with this endurance based upper body blast.
Ball Bridge Burnout (Endurance Strength)
Episode 3
Grab your Stoked Ball for this quick fix for your inner thighs and glutes. Great to prep your lower body for your workout or as a finisher.
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