Stoked Up 23 2.0
23 Seasons
Introducing Stoked Up 23 2.0 - the next iteration of our transformative 23-day program. Take the guess work out of your fitness routine, and immerse yourself in a series of thoughtfully crafted daily workouts , known as Stoked Stacks, carefully designed to progressively and properly challenge you while fostering consistency.
Experience #thestokedmethod in action, fostering lasting mind-muscle connection and deepening your appreciation for the dynamic "Stoked Stack" mix-and-match style, exclusive to KSFITAPP. Brace yourself to kindle your inner fire and approach each workout with a contagious smile.
Celebrate the gift of movement and the daily opportunity to challenge your body. Stoked Up 23 2.0 invites you to elevate your fitness journey, embracing the work with renewed enthusiasm.
24:40Episode 1
Jump & Super Size Stoked Band Build
Episode 1
Grab your Stoked Rope and Super Size Stoked Bands and get ready for an energy boosting full body workout that combines intervals of jumping rope and Super Size Stoked Band strength circuits. This #stokedstyle sweat party is the perfect blend of cardiovascular conditioning and muscle building work...
Glute Burn & Sneaky Core (Endurance Strength)
Episode 2
Grab your Stoked Ball and 5lb dumbbell (the Kira Kushion is optional but makes for happy knees) and get ready for a fiery progression moving seamlessly from all-fours glute work to standing action. Trust - 5 minutes per butt cheek is all you need to make fine tuning gains when you layer #stokedst...
09:13Episode 3
Ab Blast (Endurance Strength)
Episode 3
Get ready to feel the burn with time under tension abdominal work.
10:48Episode 4
Wall Stretch Warm Up
Episode 4
Do you ever want to do your entire warm up standing up? Well this is for you! This warm up involves using a wall or any stable object to create stability as you open up your lower extremity before your next workout or anytime you’re feeling a bit stiff. This routine is perfect pre OR mid-run/walk...