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Watch this video and more on Kira Stokes Fit

Stoked Up 23 2.0

Jump & Super Size Stoked Band Build


Up Next in Day 7

  • Glute Burn & Sneaky Core (Endurance S...

    Grab your Stoked Ball and 5lb dumbbell (the Kira Kushion is optional but makes for happy knees) and get ready for a fiery progression moving seamlessly from all-fours glute work to standing action. Trust - 5 minutes per butt cheek is all you need to make fine tuning gains when you layer #stokedst...

  • Ab Blast (Endurance Strength)

    Get ready to feel the burn with time under tension abdominal work.

  • Wall Stretch Warm Up

    Do you ever want to do your entire warm up standing up? Well this is for you! This warm up involves using a wall or any stable object to create stability as you open up your lower extremity before your next workout or anytime you’re feeling a bit stiff. This routine is perfect pre OR mid-run/walk...