Arm Blitz 2.0
Fine Tuning
Grab a set of medium to heavy (for you) dumbbells and get ready for a quick, effective and without question fun(ny), biceps and triceps focused workout that will build strength and tone…all while offering sneaky core work (including laughter). Gary and I will pump you up with curls and have your triceps talking after rocking a three-part layered Stoked Superset. This workout is great as a finisher for another more extensive arm-focused workout or as a stand alone quickie (after properly activating - UB Band Burnout Blitz, SSSB UB Activation/Burnout are two great Stoked Band Camp Category options). Kira Kushion Balance Pad optional but fabulous for keeping your knees happy while kneeling!
The Kira Kushion:
Up Next in Fine Tuning
Triceps (Endurance Strength)
Fine Tune the all important Triceps....they're the muscle group that gives your arm shape!
Triceps Sizzler (Endurance Strength)
Get ready to feel the burn in 5 short minutes with this fine tuning triceps ladder. The perfect workout to fire up or finish off the muscle group that is majorly responsible for giving your arms shape.
Super Size Stoked Band Upper Body Act...
Grab your Super Size Stoked Band and get ready for a quick, effective activation snack that focuses on your all-important postural muscles: your back and shoulders (with a bit of a bonus biceps pump). This is a great warm-up or fine-tuning finisher for other upper body-focused workouts on the app...