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Watch this video and more on Kira Stokes Fit

Arm Blitz (Endurance Strength)

Fine Tuning • 8m 40s

Up Next in Fine Tuning

  • Arm Blitz 2.0

    Grab a set of medium to heavy (for you) dumbbells and get ready for a quick, effective and without question fun(ny), biceps and triceps focused workout that will build strength and tone…all while offering sneaky core work (including laughter). Gary and I will pump you up with curls and have your...

  • Triceps (Endurance Strength)

    Fine Tune the all important Triceps....they're the muscle group that gives your arm shape!

  • Triceps Sizzler (Endurance Strength)

    Get ready to feel the burn in 5 short minutes with this fine tuning triceps ladder. The perfect workout to fire up or finish off the muscle group that is majorly responsible for giving your arms shape.